10th LICENSING JAPAN in Contents Tokyo / 第10回ライセンシングジャパン出展

弊社キャラクター「サムライアニマルズ」は来年で10周年を迎え、 新たに作製した映像作品、SAMURAI ANIMALSのプロモーションビデオを発表致しました。
当日は商談席を設けておりますので、ご商談の場としても活用いただけます。 ご多忙中恐縮ではございますが、ご来場くだされば嬉しく存じます。
ブース番号 3-34 (東京ビッグサイト 西展示棟1F)

We will exhibit at the 10th Licensing Japan.
“Samurai Animals” is celebrating its 10th anniversary next year.
We announced a promotional video of SAMURAI ANIMALS, a newly created video work.
Not only lighters and souvenir crystals, but also beer labels are widely used in licensed products.
We have a business meeting seat on the day, so you can use it as a place for business negotiations. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would be grateful if you could visit us.
If you would like to come to Licensing Japan, please let us know your schedule from the online appointment below.
It is expected to be crowded on the day, so if you plan to visit us, the license staff will be able to respond immediately to your questions and business negotiations.
You can apply for an appointment online.
Please take advantage of it and come to our booth.
※An invitation ticket is required for admission. If you do not have an invitation ticket, please check and purchase from here.
Booth number 3-34 (Tokyo Big Sight West Exhibition Hall 1F)
We will exhibit after taking measures against the new corona, but for those who have difficulty in visiting, we also have online business talks this time.
【コンテンツ東京 2020】内 第10回 ライセンシング ジャパン <キャラクター&ブランド 活用展> 10th LICENSING JAPAN
【会期】 2020年10月21日(水)~23日(金) 10:00~18:00 ※最終日のみ17:00終了
Dates: October 21 [Wed]-23 [Fri], 2020 AM10:00 – PM6:00 ※last day PM5:00
【会場】 東京ビッグサイト 西展示棟 1F Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (West Hall 1F), Japan
ブース番号:3-34 booth number:3-34